Info Sessions: January Term: UVA in Nicaragua: Cancer Prevention, Public Health Implications of Climate Change, and Social Entrepreneurship for Community Resilience

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End Date
CMNEB 1120 & Zoom

Join one of the following info sessions to learn more about the J-Term UVA in Nicaragua program:  

Questions? Hayley Spear at [email protected]

This 3-credit course in Nicaragua will examine programs being undertaken by local leaders to address development and health issues in their communities. We are going to be focusing on the inter-related issues of health impacts of climate change, sustainable development, and public health (specifically cancer prevention). We will examine efforts to promote sustainable agriculture, especially for the cash crop coffee, which is seriously affected by climate change.

The course is a combination of lectures, case discussions, and field trips. We will be visiting coffee growing and eco-tourism sites on the Pacific side of Nicaragua, and NGOs providing economic and environmental services on the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua. We will be meeting with health care providers in several of our visits across the country.