Student International Travel Considerations
- U.S. Department of State: Revised Worldwide Caution.
- Entry Requirement for Travel To and Transit Through the United Kingdom: Travelers from the U.S. and many other countries are required to have a UK Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) to enter or transit through the UK. The ETA costs £10 and is valid for two years or until the passport used to obtain the ETA expires. Apply for the ETA online or through the UK ETA app. While approvals are predicted to be within three days or faster, students are advised to apply at least three weeks in advance of planned travel in case of processing delays. To learn more, visit the links above or watch videos on what an ETA is and how to apply for a UK ETA.
FAQ: Faculty
Find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions below. If you have additional questions or would like to discuss education abroad with someone in the International Studies Office, please write to [email protected].
Learning about Education Abroad at UVA
I want to learn about how education abroad works at UVA. Where do I start?
We require students, and encourage faculty and families, to view the Education Abroad Workshop. The Workshop is a 30-minute module that provides an introduction to education abroad at UVA. It outlines program options available to UVA students, education abroad eligibility criteria and other policies, the education abroad advising process and goal-driven principles of program selection, financial aid and other sources of funding, instructions for starting a study abroad application, and additional useful resources.
We also encourage everyone to stop by our Education Abroad Fairs. Held each September and January, fairs are a great opportunity to see the programs offered, speak with program providers, and see what types of programs other UVA faculty are offering. Teaching class during the fair? Make it a class trip and bring your students to see how they can explore the world! Information about our fairs and other events can be found on our Upcoming Events page.
The Education Abroad Website contains a wealth of information and resources, including information about financial aid and scholarships, a program search, the Education Abroad Handbook, and our annual Facts & Figures. We encourage members of the community who are interested in learning more to explore the site.
All UVA students traveling outside of the national borders of the United States for University-related purposes, which may include but are not limited to study, research, internships, service, conferences, presentations, teaching, performances, recruiting, or athletic competitions are subject to the University Policy on Student International Travel. University-related purposes include any travel that is for academic credit and/or utilizes University resources.
How can I help my colleagues and department learn more?
Education Abroad advisors are happy to attend departmental meetings to provide an overview of education abroad, answer questions, and discuss resources and opportunities. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like an advisor to join an upcoming meeting.
Who do I contact if I want to talk with someone about education abroad?
Please contact us at [email protected] and an advisor will reach out to you directly. Advisors and office contact information are provided on our Contact page.
Advising Students
How do I advise students about education abroad?
Our Advising Students about Education Abroad page provides additional context and guidance for faculty who advise students who may be interested in education abroad.
Please do not hesitate to direct students to watch the Education Abroad Workshop or Make an Appointment with an Education Abroad advisor. Education Abroad advisors are trained to answer questions about types of programs, finances, SDAC or health-related concerns, and more. You do not need to cover everything!
One tool that you can direct students to within your field is the Education Abroad in your Major or Minor page. This page features programs that departments feel are a good fit for their students and is a great starting point for students. Don't see an entry for a major in your field, or see something that needs revision? We review this content regularly but please contact us at [email protected]. We are happy to work with you to identify programs you want to feature for your majors and minors.
How can I share information about education abroad in my classroom or department?
Education Abroad advisors are happy to attend classes to provide an overview of education abroad, answer questions, and discuss resources and opportunities. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like an advisor to join an upcoming class session.
If your department as space to display print materials, we would be happy to provide some. Just let us know!
Approving Transfer Credit
Who approves courses students take abroad for transfer credit?
This varies by school: in the College of Arts & Sciences, the Directors of Undergraduate Programs (DUPs) approve transfer credit for majors and minors, while the College's transfer credit team approves elective credit. DUPs in foreign language programs approve language courses that will fulfill the foreign language requirement.
In other undergraduate schools, academic advisors or deans often approve courses.
Regardless of who approves a course, students should be prepared to provide a syllabus (or course description, which in some countries is the closest equivalent) of the course(s) for which they are seeking approval. Students can be asked to do this if they do not initially send a syllabus with the form. Most forms are PDFs completed via email communication, or in-person, before the student returns the completed form to our office.
Where do I go if I have questions about transfer credit for education abroad?
If you have questions about this process, please contact us at [email protected] and an Education Abroad advisor will respond to you directly.
Where can I get a copy of my school's Transfer Credit Approval Form?
Transfer Credit Approval Forms vary by school and are only available to students within the education abroad application (which they start on our website). The reason for this is that this Form (the "TCAF") is only one part of a larger application process, which differentiates it from most domestic transfer credit processes. Students must complete the full application to be approved to receive transfer credit; the form itself is insufficient. If you would like to see a copy of your school's form, please contact us at [email protected] and an Education Abroad advisor will respond to you directly.
Proposing a Program
I would like to lead an education abroad program. How do I submit a proposal?
The Education Abroad team collaborates with faculty to increase student mobility. Together we develop and administer study abroad programs in a variety of disciplines, identify opportunities that align with and compliment degree programs, and raise student awareness about the many opportunities they have to enhance their education through an abroad program. If you are interested in proposing a study abroad program, please visit our Program Development page for more details and proposal deadlines.
I am interested in leading a program, but want to learn more first. Where do I start?
Directing an education abroad program is a commitment. We encourage all interested faculty to take their time to review the program development guidelines and resources on our Program Development page, and to contact us with questions. If you would like to discuss a potential program, please contact Assistant Director for Education Abroad Margaret Walter. Each year during Global Week, our office leads a workshop for faculty interested in directing a program. This can be a good "first step" as well as an opportunity to hear from fellow faculty who have led their own programs.